Note that all Program Options changes are applied immediately.

TX/RX Layout - This option provides colour, font and attributes for various parts of the received and sent text displays.

Background Group:

Colour - A standard Windows colour selector window is provided for selection of the Rx and Tx windows' background colour.

RX Text Group:

Colour - A standard Windows colour selector window is provided for selection of the display colour for received text.

Font - A standard Windows font selector window is provided for selection of the font to be used for displaying received text.

TX Text Group:

Colour - A standard Windows colour selector window is provided for selection of the display colour for transmission text.

Font - A standard Windows font selector window is provided for selection of the font to be used for displaying the transmission text.

Sent Text Group:

Bold - Check this option if you want transmitted text to be displayed bold.

Italic - Check this option if you want transmitted text to be displayed with an italic fontface.

Strikethrough - Check this option if you want transmitted text to be displayed as strikethrough.

Underline - Check this option if you want transmitted text to be displayed underlined.
Created 2004 by Kevin Crockett. Comments and suggestions may be e-mailed to