Stations - Station locators are either loaded from a file or sent to the Mapper program by another program such as PSK31 Deluxe. This option provides a means of customising that station locator information.

Add home --> -- station connector - This option will provide a connecting line between your home location and plotted stations.

Add station locator square - Not sure what affect this one has.

Font Size - This is the font size used for station and callsign text on the plot.

Station Plot - An alternative (other than via the Plot menu) means of selecting whether to display station markers with a Pin Head or Pin Head and Leg.

Marker Size - This option selects the size of the station marker.

Pin colours vary. Red pin = station <= 5 minutes old, Green pin = station <= 60 minutes old, Blue pin = station >= 60 minutes old.

Display - Station locators sent from another program can be displayed for a fixed amount of time. The choices offered by the drop down arrow range from Always, and 5 minutes through to 24 hours.

Save received stations to file - Check this option if you wish to save the stations to a text file. A Browse button is provided to navigate to the file location.

Created 2004 by Kevin Crockett. Comments and suggestions may be e-mailed to