Enter Frequency - provides a facility for directly entering a frequency via the keyboard. If your radio supports dual VFOs, you will be able to enter two frequencies - one for each. If not, you won't be able to. For example, if an FT-847 is not in Satellite Mode, only VFO A is available. Turn Satellite Mode on and you end up with VFO B as well.

Auto-apply - If this is checked, the frequency will be automatically applied to the program as you enter it. Otherwise, simply click the Apply button.

Track - If this is checked, the VFOs should track each other. Be aware that there may be some rig-specific anomalies here until the process is bedded down. You need to understand which is VFO A and which is VFO B. The FT-847 is not happy with this feature, probably tied up with Satellite Mode and no software command for VFO tracking control.

Created 2004 by Kevin Crockett. Comments and suggestions may be e-mailed to