Manual Download - I have been asked in a number of emails whether the User Guide is available as a download. As you can understand, it is still being created and any download before it is completed will be immediately out of date. Simon also keeps adding new things or changing existing ones as well.

I have provided 5 zip files that you can download at any time to keep your manual up to date: - Contains all the HTML code files - and a couple of others. - Contains a compressed directory of all image files for the HRD part of the manual. - Contains a compressed directory of all images for the Mapper part of the manual. - Contains a compressed directory of all images for the PSK31 Deluxe part of the manual. - Contains a compressed directory of all image files for the Super Browser part of the manual.

All ZIP files should be extractable to whatever single directory you like - let's call it HRD Manual. As the image ZIP files contain directories, they should also extract to the same directory (say HRD Manual), thereby creating the required directory structure and relativity shown here. All HTML files are held in the HRD Manual directory and Ham Radio Deluxe, Mapper, PSK31 Deluxe and Superbrowser images are held in the HRD Manual sub-directories - hrd_images, map_images, psk_images and sb_images respectively. This relativity must be preserved.

Latest file: December 14, 2005. approx 0.4Mb.- Download.

Latest file: December 14, 2005. approx 3.4Mb.- Download.

Latest file: September 30, 2004. approx 0.7Mb.- Download.

Latest file: September 30, 2004. approx 1.5Mb.- Download.

Latest file: September 30, 2004. approx 0.1Mb.- Download.

Once you have downloaded and unzipped the files, you should then be able to access your own computer copy of the manual by opening hrd.html in your browser. If you check the manual site occasionally it should be a simple matter to tell if there have been any updates by comparing the file date information.

CD Images Download - It is now possible to download CD Images of the Ham Radio Deluxe program and all the supporting information files that go with it. If you run a ham gear business, what a great "add on" to add a bit of class to the sale. See the HRD website for information.

Just before you get too carried away, bear in mind that at the last check, the CD Image was around 64Mb so a fast connection wouldn't go astray.
Created 2004 by Kevin Crockett. Comments and suggestions may be e-mailed to